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Writing Services

It is not just a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in English or 25 years as a middle and high school Language Arts teacher that qualifies me to edit, write, ghostwrite and customize incredible creations based on your ideas.


It is my passion for words -- the right words -- and my gift as a writing coach to help bring your ideas to literary life.


I put the magic on the mundane and bring your inner writer to the surface. Don’t let another moment pass by with those ideas trapped in your mind. Let’s bring them to life!

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Nicole Huffman 

Owner, Inspirations of Love

"Clotea is very clear with reviewing and explaining any editing that needs to be done. The assistance has given me as a writer has made me feel confident as I watch my dreams unfold."

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Jay Floyd

Author, Life Coach, Speaker

"Clotea has the ability to help bring your vision to life, and she empowers people to their your message in a tangible way! She will not let you sell your vision short!"

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Tasha L. Wilburn


"I would not have been able to successfully publish my book without the literary expertise of Clotea Mack. She pushed me to write my story in a way that really resonates with my audience."

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